1. What’s the best way to get in touch with you?

    The contact form right here on my website!! Click “contact” and type away! Please contact me if: you enjoyed my book(s), you’re a wealthy old woman looking to leave me your fortune, or if you are a movie producer and you not only want to make my books into a movie but also you want me to star in them because you see potential and It factor exuding from me.

  2. Will you blurb my book?

    The short answer is … maybe!

    The longer answer is that when I’m between deadlines I love to blurb books, but I struggle with reading in non-audio format and need the story to be either a word doc or text file (NOT a PDF) so that I can have my phone or computer read the text aloud (yes, I love that robot voice and yes, it’s often on 2x speed).

    So, if the stars align and I’m not on deadline and you can get the book to me in that format, then yes! It doesn’t hurt to reach out to me or my literary agent either way, though.

  3. What’s up with your name?

    Take it up with my parents! Yes, my full first name is Jake and it’s the one I was born with (as someone on TikTok said, I was “assigned Jake at birth”).

  4. What were your favorite books growing up and what are some now?

    Growing up: Artemis Fowl! Magic Tree House (see photo below)! Anne of Green Gables! Any sad book about a dog!

    Now: The Idiot (the Elif version of course)! Amari and the Night Brothers! Last True Poets of the Sea! Rise to the Sun! Anything by David Sedaris! Sea of Tranquility! I’m just looking at my bookshelf idk this is hard!

  5. What are some books I should read if I liked (or even LOVED) your books?

    Once again, I have to thank you my disembodied questioner for your praise and your beautiful question.

    If you enjoyed Almost Flying, you might LOVE: Hazel Hill is Gonna Win this One by Maggie Horne, Swim Team by Johnnie Christmas, The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James by Ashley Herring Blake, The Language of Seabirds by Will Taylor, or The Best at It by Maulik Pancholy.

    If you enjoyed How to Excavate a Heart, you might LOVE: Last True Poets of the Sea by Julia Drake, Rise to the Sun by Leah Johnson, Let’s Call it a Doomsday by Katie Henry, You Don’t Have a Shot by Racquel Marie, Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes.

    If you enjoyed The Year My Life Went Down the Toilet you might LOVE: Will on the Inside by Andrew Eliopulos, Get a Grip, Vivy Cohen! by Sarah Kapit, Give Me a Sign by Anna Sortino (this is YA but great for older MG readers), or Ruby Lost and Found by Christina Li.

  6. How did you make the Indie preorder page of your website?

    I have a whole notion page about that! You can learn here.

  7. Who designs/illustrates your covers?

    That depends! You can find that information on the pages for HTEAH, Almost Flying, and The Year My Life Went Down the Toilet on the website, as well as my media kit!

  8. What’s your favorite roller coaster?

    Much like Dalia from Almost Flying, Boulder Dash holds a special place in my heart. It’s not the best roller coaster, but you really do get amazing air time and it hurts. I love those old, painful wooden coasters.

  9. What is your favorite musical?

    How dare you!!!! There is no way to choose. Some older ones that I love: Sunday in the Park with George, Godspell, Pippin, Music Man, Annie (justice for the apple seller song). Some all-time faves: Shrek the Musical (literally I could sing this musical’s praises forever and ever, it is one of the most beautiful stories of all time and improves upon the movie while keeping the same joy and humor. Plus JEANINE TESORI!!), Fun Home, Bare a Pop Opera (gotta say her full name). Of the ones I’ve been in: Big Fish, Urinetown, 13 the Musical IDK THIS IS SO HARD!!!!!!!

Young Jake going to see Mary Pope Osborne (major fangirl moment!)

Sorry, you didn’t know that there’s a role called “Dancing Fire” in Big Fish the musical??

Baby Jake at Coney Island! I’ve always loved Coney Island tee hee!

Baby Jake being a writer, a scholar, a lover.